Simplon in Gabon, with l’Ecole 241 ​​​​​​​

The Gabonese economy has been suffering from the fall in oil prices and has had to diversify its economy. In less than 10 years, Gabon has gone from "bad student" of digitalization to "digital champion", so much so that the World Bank sees it as the future digital hub of Central and West Africa. The Gabonese population is very young: one person in two is under 20 years old: the employability and training of young people is therefore a great challenge for the country. In 2015, Gabon has received the "ICT for Sustainable Development" award from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Two years later, Gabon was in sixth place in Africa in terms of ICT and 1st in the sub-region. Digital technology now accounts for almost 10% of Gabon's GDP. 

Key figures


School’s opening’s year 


Women in the trainings


Of unemployed in the trainings


École 241 is the result of a partnership between the incubator Ogooué Labs and 3 main players: the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, the French Embassy and The first cohort of 45 students graduated in July 2019 after 7 months of intensive training in web-mobile development: 6 months later, all of them found a job or started a business. Proud of this success, a second promotion is underway. 
To find out more about the training programs in Gabon and to apply, please follow the calls for applications on the school's website 241

the school's website 241

The team


Sylvie N. TOURE
Employment Mediation Officer

Henry LEPA
Coach - Digital Referral Trainer 

Dimitri ONGOUA
Coach - Trainer Web Developer 


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