Our main programs


​​​​​​​These programmes aim to raise awareness about digital skills, coding skills, and new technologies in a fun way for children and young people, with the goal of fostering a more inclusive society.
For Simplon Romania, this program is an essential part of their work, so they have developed a large number of initiatives in this area. For instance, during the month of October 2018, Simplon Romania initiated workshops for over 1,400 children involved in various projects such as courses, workshops, and science fairs. They participated in Digital Kids Cluj classes, Girls&Code workshops, Code Kids fairs, the #SuperCoders project, and more…

Women in Tech

​​​​​​​There are less than 30% of women in the digital sector, of which only 20% are in managerial positions and 16% in technical positions. Simplon promotes gender equality in all its training programmes. So far, our classes are 36% women, and our goal is to reach 50% by 2021. In addition to this, Simplon is encouraging more women to discover the digital ecosystem, acquire basic digital skills, and discover new job opportunities through its “Women in Tech” bootcamps.
In November 2018, Simplon-AUF@Dakar launched its first “Women in Tech” bootcamp in Senegal. We received more than 350+ applications for four classes of 25 young women !


​​​​​​​Refugees often face difficulties to  work in occupations related to their field of expertise or to their initial training. Indeed, their diplomas and professional experience are rarely recognized and they are most often oriented towards low-skilled jobs that are under pressure, which do not allow them to find a job related to their skills. 
The refugee programmes aims to provide refugees with trainings in an in-demand, skilled digital profession in order to strengthen their social and professional insertion and to promote diversity. In Jordan, this program in partnership with the NGO CHAMS targets both the host population as well as the refugee population in the Mafraq region (Zaatari Refugee Camp) by offering web development training to promote the professional integration of Syrians and Jordanians. 

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